Pretty doesn’t count. There are plenty of design agencies out there capable of providing a brilliant design for your website. It will be beautiful and probably very functional as well. However, form and function don’t always solve underlying problems that are affecting your businesses. They also may not align with your goals. In fact, just having a website is not enough to get people to visit it.
Seeing the value in the goals of your project and partnering with a design agency that understands those goals is the key to treating your website like a valuable business tool and getting the sales you need to grow.
In other words, the goal for your website or design project probably isn’t to have a fresh new design (even though many of our clients think that at first). It is to bring in more sales, increase traffic, convert more leads, etc. Your website is a business tool and giving it a visual makeover won’t always help your business grow.
If you look at some of the most successful websites out there today, they’re not all pretty. Contrarily, some are comparatively unattractive, but they still manage to turn a huge profit. Craigslist, Reddit, and even eBay (until a recent redesign) are almost exclusively focused on function and not aesthetic.
If you ask any design agency worth hiring, they’ll tell you Craigslist is downright ugly. Yet, it still generates over 85 million dollars annually. This huge profit is possible only because Craigslist knew that its visitors come to the site for one reason: to quickly find local bargains on used items.
While the website may be “ugly”, it has also done away with virtually every visual distraction. This leaves only one thing to focus on: the content, which constantly drives visitors toward a list of items they can purchase. This is the root of Craigslist’s success and an appropriate design update would likely generate even more revenue.
Good looks alone won’t bring in sales, but make no mistake, a good looking website has value. It instills a sense of trust in your visitors and makes your business look professional. Craigslist’s stark, unstyled web presence likely turns many people away because it feels unsafe at first glance. Your website’s job is to present your business to your visitors as being trustworthy and introduce them to points of interest. It directs them to where they want to go and where you want them to go as well.
So how do you get a great looking website that can simultaneously work to make your company more money? Well, you can hire a company like Dwaiter, that will guide you through a strategy phase that results in a solid understanding of your business goals and objectives. After listening to your needs, we will be able to form a strategic plan for a partnership to get you the results you want.
If this sounds like what your business needs, tell us about your project or call us at 919.665.9999.
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